Monday, 27 July 2015

The Sad Demise of my Kindle

I have terrible news.

I dropped my beloved Kindle into a toilet. Never mind how this came about (it's less gross than what you're thinking), just know that said Kindle was fully submerged for several terrifying seconds before it was rescued. Funnily enough, a dunking in toilet water has not really agreed with the Kindle.

Here is my Kindle now:
It's Basmati rice. Not sure whether this is important.
Covered in rice, in a possibly misguided attempt to dry it out. Stuck forever more, 4% of the way through A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson. The book was going pretty well up to this point...

Please keep my Kindle in your thoughts. He's still so young, with so much life yet to live. In the meantime (while waiting patiently for the rice to effect a miracle cure), I will go back to paperbacks. Sob.

It's working again! Kind of! After four days of intensive rice treatment, my Kindle has been resurrected and now works for a good five minutes at a time (after which time, the font suddenly changes to ENORMOUS and the whole thing freezes). The Kindle is currently back in the rice for further recuperation.

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